Meet Our Board

The Greater Portland Hillel board is made up of a group of passionate, professional, and committed lay leaders from the Portland community.  We are so lucky to have individuals with such diverse leadership backgrounds.  Our board members are involved with the Jewish Federation of Greater Portland, our local academic institutions, and excel in areas of law, finance, academia, and non-profit management.  We are so grateful to our local lay leadership who devote their time, energy, and resources to ensure that our Portland college students have a Jewish home away from home.

Barry Benson - President

Jennifer Yoken - Immediate Past President

Ben Olds - Treasurer

Julie Caron - Secretary

Jan Berne

Zach Dworkin

Marti Frank

Carly Gaon

Lindsay Gluckman

Joshua Goldstein

Cheryl Livneh

Alex Pear Rosenberg

Debbie Plawner

Rabbi Eve Posen

Gina Wand

Special Thanks to the Following Donors:

Scott and Laurie Dubchansky
Robert and Mara Shlachter

The Jewish Federation of Greater Portland
Leonard and Lois Schnitzer Charitable Supporting Foundation
The Harold and Arlene Schnitzer CARE Foundation

Oregon Jewish Community Foundation (OJCF)